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The Cathedral of Sorrento
In Romanic style it dates back to the 15th century; the side door is from the same period (1474) but in Renaissance style. Amongst other things the church houses paintings by artists from the Neapolitan school of the 1700s, an archbishop's throne in fine marble (1573) and wooden marquetry work of Sorrentine craftsmen from the beginning of the 19th century. Works of art made always using the marquetary technique can be admired inside, such as the pictures of the Stations of the Cross or the wooden panels of the main and side entrance. These are all works of recent young masters of art of marquetary. A depressed Neapolitan arch with Durazzesque Catalan patterns that was used from the end of the 1300s all through the 1400s.
(source: Surrentum Magazine)